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Sell Your biz
How to value a business
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Sell Your biz
How to value a business
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Let’s Start with the Basics
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- Section 1: Foundation
1 Identifying Hidden Assets
How confident are you that you've uncovered all of your business's most valuable hidden assets, especially the intangible ones?
I’ve identified all valuable assets, including the hidden intangible ones.
I’m confident in most of my assets but may be missing a few.
I’ve found some assets, but I’m not sure what else I might be overlooking.
I haven’t really looked for hidden intangible assets yet.
I have no idea where to even start with identifying intangible assets.
Note : You may not know what you're missing, which could affect your business's appeal to buyers.
2 Packaging Your Business
How well-prepared are your financials and other credibility assets to showcase your business to buyers?
My financials and credibility assets are organized and clear for presentation.
I’ve prepared most of my financials but could make them more convincing.
I have some of my financials ready but need help finalizing them.
I haven’t really packaged my business yet for buyers.
I’m unsure what financial or credibility assets I even need.
Note : Your packaging may be lacking, which could delay or lower the value of your sale.
3 Goal Setting
Have you clearly defined what you want out of a business sale, beyond just the price?
I know exactly what I want, both financially and personally, from a sale.
I have a rough idea of my goals but need to refine them.
I’ve thought about it, but I’m not sure if my goals are realistic.
I’m not really clear on what I want from the sale.
I haven’t set any goals other than getting the business sold.
Note : Unclear goals can lead to a deal that doesn’t meet your needs.
4 Identifying Buyer Avatars
How confident are you in identifying the right buyer avatars who would be interested in your business?
I know exactly who would buy my business and why.
I have some idea of my ideal buyers but need to narrow it down.
I’ve thought about it but need help defining my buyer avatars.
I’m not sure who would be interested in buying my business.
I haven’t considered who the ideal buyer for my business would be.
Note : Without the right buyer avatar, your marketing efforts might miss the mark.
5 Marketing Your Business
Do you have a solid marketing plan to get your business in front of potential buyers?
Yes, I’ve set up a detailed marketing plan with targeted mediums.
I’ve started on my marketing plan but haven’t fully implemented it.
I’ve done some marketing but need to refine my strategy.
I know I need to market my business, but I haven’t started.
I have no marketing plan in place.
Note : Marketing is key to attracting the right buyers, and a lack of planning could slow you down.
6 Crafting Your Messaging & Offers
How confident are you that your messaging and offers will generate strong interest from potential buyers?
I’m confident my message and offers will create strong interest.
I’ve crafted my message but feel it could be stronger.
I’ve started working on my messaging but need help fine-tuning it.
I’m unsure how to craft an effective message and offer.
I haven’t thought about what my messaging or offers should be.
Note : Without compelling messaging, even a good business may not attract buyers.
7 Negotiation Skills
How prepared do you feel to negotiate the best possible deal terms with buyers?
I feel very confident in my ability to negotiate a great deal.
I have some negotiation skills but feel I could improve.
I’m somewhat familiar with negotiation but need more experience.
I’m not very confident in my ability to negotiate.
I don’t know how to negotiate or what strategies to use.
Note : Negotiation can make or break your sale, and being unprepared could lead to a poor outcome.
8 Ensuring Buyer Financing
Do you know how to ensure that potential buyers have the necessary financing to close the deal?
Yes, I have a clear process for ensuring buyers can finance the purchase.
I’ve thought about financing but need more clarity on the process.
I’m aware that financing is important but need guidance on managing it.
I’m unsure how buyer financing works in business sales.
I haven’t considered how to ensure buyers can finance the deal.
Note : Buyer financing issues are a major cause of broken deals—being unprepared could leave you stuck.
9 Closing Process
How confident are you in managing the final stages of the sale, including closing and post-close activities?
I feel fully prepared to manage the closing process and guide my advisors.
I’m somewhat prepared but could use more help navigating the final steps.
I’ve thought about closing but haven’t figured out all the details yet.
I don’t feel confident about managing the closing process.
I have no idea what’s involved in closing and post-sale transitions.
Note : Managing the closing process is critical to sealing the deal and ensuring a smooth transition.
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