
Sponsorship Inquiry

Thanks for your interest.

Obviously our target market is clear – business owners who are interested in content about how to sell their business.  Theoretically, since a business owner should be thinking about their exit strategy from the day they bought or acquired their business, all business owners should be interested in our website.  However, if you read Issue #3 – Amazingly Poor Business Exit Planning you’ll learn that only 9% of business owners have a formal, written exit plan and about 58% of owners have no exit plan whatsoever – not even an informal plan.  With that in mind, most of our subscribers are likely within a few to several years of their anticipated exit date.  And they are in desperate need of the educational content provided on this website

We provides sponsorship opportunities for: 1) business brokers; 2) exit planners, 3) business valuation professionals; and 4) other M&A professionals.  Sponsors can utilize our website and bi-weekly email newsletter to engage, educate and sponsor their own business owner leads, which will be free of charge for a limited time.  Sponsorship of the bi-weekly email newsletter series, How to Sell a Business, and the website pages can be a great communication vehicle for your professional services.  You can develop a relationship with a potential seller without any significant time investment.

Each of our 90 email newsletters and all website pages are designed to accommodate two display areas for the same sponsor in the highly visible right column.  (Please have a look at the right column on this page.)  The top display area, “Your Newsletter Sponsor”” enables the display of the professional’s name, company affiliation and their contact information.  The lower display area, “About Your Newsletter Sponsor:”, enables the sponsor to display the message they believe will be most effective in communicating their goals to the target audience.

Our sponsorship opportunity includes both display locations in the right column in both mediums – the email newsletters and the website pages when subscribers log in.  Again, for a limited time, sponsorship is free.